removable protheses


The type of removable dental prosthesis you will need depends on what the denture dentist suggests and your own personal preference.

  • Partial Dentures: Replace your missing teeth with a partial denture that fits around the natural teeth that are still in your mouth. This versatile type of prosthetic is popular because it can be customized to suit any arrangement of missing teeth.
  • Traditional Dentures: Full dentures replace all your teeth. They usually need an oral adhesive to stay securely in your mouth.
  • Dental Flipper: A flipper tooth is typically a temporary replacement for one or more missing teeth as you wait for a permanent replacement. It is lightweight, removable, and has clasps that fit around existing teeth to help keep it in place.


You might need dentures if you are missing one or more teeth. Not replacing teeth has consequences such as causing the remaining teeth in your mouth to shift. Missing teeth causes bone loss in your jaw from lack of stimulation which will change the appearance of your face. A removable denture helps prevent these side effects while also giving you the function of real teeth.


Removable dental prostheses help people in more ways than one. Check out the following benefits of these dental devices:

  • Aids in speech: Teeth help us talk clearer. If you are missing teeth, your words may come out slurred. Restoring your teeth will help you pronounce your words correctly.
  • Creates a comfortable bite: Trying to chew with missing teeth can be difficult and uncomfortable. It also means your remaining teeth are doing extra chewing, which can wear them out faster.
  • Fills out face: Teeth help give your face shape, so if you are missing teeth, certain areas of your face may appear sunken. Dentures can help you regain the natural fullness of your face.
  • Alleviates oral pain: If you have very decayed and damaged teeth, you may be in a lot of pain. Removing those teeth and replacing them with a dental prosthesis is a solution that can help your mouth feel and function better.
  • Boosts self-confidence: Do you smile less because you don’t like people to see that you are missing teeth? Dentures are made to look natural, so you can smile in full confidence again!


Caring for dentures is a bit different from caring for your natural teeth. For one thing, you need to remove them from your mouth to clean them. Your dentist will recommend a denture cleaner to use. You shouldn’t use toothpaste because it can be too harsh for dentures. Brush them every day with a toothbrush that is designed for cleaning dentures. Be sure not to use hard bristles. At night, place your dentures in water or a soaking solution. If it is not kept moist, your dental prosthesis may lose its shape. Rinse the dentures thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth.


Every case is unique, so the cost will vary from person to person. You should know that dentures are a very cost-effective solution for teeth replacement. Most dental insurance plans cover most or part of the cost of dentures. At Soothing Dental, we will always fully explain the costs of your dental treatments beforehand.


Take a step towards restoring your smile today! Give us a call at our Midlothian, Texas dental office, and we’ll set up an appointment to discuss the dental prosthesis option that will work best for you. The entire staff at Soothing Dental works hard to ensure you get the best dental care possible in a relaxing, comfortable environment. Contact us today!