What Happens if You Haven’t Been To The Dentist in Years?

man at soothing dental during dentist appointment

Life can get busy, and between juggling work, family, and many other commitments, it’s easy to let regular dental checkups slip by the wayside. While you might feel guilty or apprehensive about visiting the dental chair after a long hiatus, you’re not alone. Many people put off dental appointments due to dental anxiety, a busy schedule, or simply an oversight. At Soothing Dental in Midlothian, TX, we want to reassure you it’s always possible to restart your dental care routine. Here’s what you can expect if it’s been years since your last dentist visit.

Why Regular Dental Appointments Are Important

Before diving into the specifics, let’s quickly touch on the significance of regular visits:

  • Tooth Decay Detection: Over time, the build-up of plaque can lead to cavities. Regular dental exams can spot these early before they become problematic.
  • Gum Health: Periodontal disease or gum disease can develop silently. Catching it early through regular dental checkups can prevent more severe complications.
  • Oral Cancer Screening: A thorough oral exam includes checking for signs of oral cancer, ensuring early detection and treatment.
  • Preventative Care: A dental hygienist will perform a dental cleaning, removing hardened plaque and advising on the best oral care practices.

Sitting in the Dentist’s Chair: What to Expect

  • Comprehensive Exam: If it’s your first time at a new dentist or after a long break, expect a comprehensive exam. This will involve a series of X-rays to get a clear picture of your dental health, check for any underlying problems, and establish a baseline for future visits.
  • Professional Cleaning: No matter how diligent you are with brushing and flossing, there’s no replacement for a professional dental cleaning. The dental hygienist will ensure that every nook and cranny is free from the build-up of plaque, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Discussion of Dental History: Be prepared to discuss your last visit and any previous dental treatments. This helps the dental team better understand you and any potential concerns.
  • Potential Identification of Issues: The good news is that even if there are issues like cavities, tooth loss, or early signs of periodontal disease, modern dental care has advanced treatments available. The dental professionals at Soothing Dental will develop a treatment plan tailored to you.
  • Next Steps and Follow-up Appointment: Before leaving the dental office, you’ll discuss any next steps or treatments necessary. Whether it’s a follow-up appointment, a referral to a specialist, or just advice on caring for your teeth, you’ll leave with a clear direction.

Addressing Dental Anxiety

If dental anxiety has been a barrier to your regular dental appointments, it’s essential to communicate this with your dentist. Many patients experience apprehension, especially if they anticipate needing dental treatment. At Soothing Dental, our team ensures a comfortable and understanding environment, making your experience as calming as possible.

The Importance of Restarting Regular Checkups

Postponing dental care can lead to more significant dental problems down the road. However, resuming regular dental checkups is one of the best decisions you can make for oral health. The American Dental Association recommends visiting your dentist at least twice a year, ensuring:

  • Early Detection: Spotting potential problems early means easier, less invasive treatments.
  • Maintaining Oral Health: Regular cleanings prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you’re taking proactive steps for your health brings a sense of relief.

Schedule an Appointment at Soothing Dental Today!

No matter how long since your last visit to the dentist, now is the perfect time to prioritize your oral health. At Soothing Dental in Midlothian, TX, we welcome you with open arms, ready to guide you back to a healthy smile. Remember, the best time to resume your dental care is now. Book your appointment with us and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier smile!