Entries by EOSSEO

Cosmetic Dentistry Options for Reshaping Your Teeth

At Soothing Dental, we know that the appearance of your smile can significantly impact your confidence. Cosmetic dentistry procedures offer solutions to perfect that beautiful smile, correcting minor imperfections or making subtle changes. Dr. Vinton and our team specialize in various cosmetic treatments that address misshapen teeth and give you the desired shape. Below, we […]

What Happens if You Haven’t Been To The Dentist in Years?

Life can get busy, and between juggling work, family, and many other commitments, it’s easy to let regular dental checkups slip by the wayside. While you might feel guilty or apprehensive about visiting the dental chair after a long hiatus, you’re not alone. Many people put off dental appointments due to dental anxiety, a busy […]

Relaxing Dental Office in Midlothian, TX

For some individuals, a dental appointment can evoke feelings of anxiety and fear, making it challenging to prioritize their oral health. At Soothing Dental in Midlothian, TX, we understand the impact of dental anxiety on our patients’ well-being, and we strive to create a calming and relaxing environment. Here is what you need to know […]

Can Bad Teeth Be Saved?

At Soothing Dental, located in Midlothian, TX, Dr. John Vinton and his dedicated team understand the importance of personalized dental care. Focusing on creating a spa-like environment and offering individualized services, we strive to provide the best experience for our patients. Even if it has been a while since your last dental appointment, we can […]

Get A New Smile With Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental treatment that can enhance the appearance of your smile. It is a non-invasive procedure that involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin material to the tooth’s surface. Dental bonding can improve the look of your teeth by repairing minor imperfections and also restore functionality. Here’s what you should know about […]

Over-The-Counter vs. Custom Night Guards

If you grind your teeth at night, you know how annoying the results can be. Along with waking up sporadically, teeth grinders often suffer from headaches, jaw pain, and oral health problems, such as worn-down teeth. The good news is that these uncomfortable symptoms can be managed and prevented by wearing a night guard when […]

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Living a healthy life is challenging when you have severe damage or missing teeth. In addition to making it harder to chew and speak, damaged teeth can lower self-esteem and prevent you from sharing your smile. Fortunately, achieving a radiant, functional, comfortable smile is possible with dental implants. Before scheduling your consultation with Dr. Vinton […]

What is TMJ and TMD?

TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint disorder of your jaw located at the base of each ear. It plays a big part in speaking, breathing, and eating due to its ability to perform various movements. It can perform these movements because of its muscle variety, ligaments, and hinge-like joints. Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is the technical […]

How to Take Care of Your Veneers

With the help of porcelain veneers, your smile can be picture-perfect. Veneers are bonded to the front of teeth to hide imperfections, cover gaps, change the shape of your teeth, and improve the appearance of your beautiful smile. Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry option available at Soothing Dental in Midlothian, Texas.   Taking special […]

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What is Bruxism?

When you have missing or severely damaged teeth, you might hear your dentist talking about dental crowns or dental bridges. These two restorative options come up quite often because they are both effective ways to restore your teeth so you can chew properly and have a natural-looking smile. Dr. Vinton at Soothing Dental can provide […]


What’s the Difference Between Crowns and Bridges?

When you have missing or severely damaged teeth, you might hear your dentist talking about dental crowns or dental bridges. These two restorative options come up quite often because they are both effective ways to restore your teeth so you can chew properly and have a natural-looking smile. Dr. Vinton at Soothing Dental can provide […]

Should You Get Teeth Whitening Treatments at Home or at the Dentist?

Have you been considering our professional teeth whitening services at Soothing Dental in Midlothian, Texas? Many people wonder what the difference is between getting your teeth whitened at the dentist and using an at-home whitening kit. Keep reading to learn more about the whitening options available to you. What is Teeth Whitening? Teeth whitening is […]

Importance Of Regular Dental Visits

The entire staff at Soothing Dental in Midlothian, Texas wants each patient to have the healthiest mouth possible. That’s why we encourage you to schedule regular dental visits.  What Happens During a Dental Visit? Your regular dental checkups include two parts: the dental exam and the dental cleaning. The dentist will closely examine your teeth […]